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Job Profiler

A 10 minute online multi-rater questionnaire that quickly and efficiently gathers a number of individual perspectives on new or existing job roles.

This online multi-rater job requirements survey gathers different perspectives across the Wave® Performance Model. It can be used across geographies very quickly providing fast, standardized consultation at a cost-effective rate.

Used for:

  • Profiling requirements for new and existing roles
  • Building competency or leadership frameworks

Raters use a seven-point importance scale ranging from ‘Not important’ to ‘Critical’ across behavior, ability and global measures. The report shows each stakeholder’s rating across the measures. A summarized response is then shown for the total rater group. Responses to two open text questions conclude the report.

The Job Profiler is directly aligned with our range of Wave Styles Personality Questionnaire and Reports and can be used in recruitment and for general clarification of which competencies are needed for different functions in the company.


Ensures an optimal process covering the most crucial competencies in a given job.
Clearly highlights differing views and promotes discussion and clarification.
Provides comprehensive data on behavior, ability and global measure in an online job analysis.
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Test Administration

Online via Oasys or Bureau Service

Completion Time

10 minutes

No Training Required