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Do you want professional sparring and support in your recruitment process?

By using Saville’s predictive assessment tools which are supported by advanced test technology and help to significantly reduce selection errors, the focus is on the candidate’s talent, motivation, preferred company culture and analytical abilities.
In close cooperation with the client, it is clarified which are the most important to possess in a given job. This approach ensures that all candidates are assessed on the competencies needed to solve the tasks leading to the desired results.

Saville Consulting Danmark lives methodically and ethically up to the guidelines ‘Professional Personality Assessments in Public and Private Companies’, developed by Center for Knowledge of Professionel Assessment (VPP).


Can we help supporting you in your recruitment process?

Based on the most important competencies in order to become successful in the job, competency-based feedback and interview sessions are conducted by our experienced consultants.

To ensure a multiple assessment (using several tools/methods), a combination of the personality test Wave and an aptitude test are typically used.

The hiring manager will obtain relevant insights and knowledge of the candidates and receive detailed information about the candidate’s strengths and development areas. The feedback/interview is a good starting point for the hiring manager to increase a strong collaboration with the new employee and thereby ensure the best possible support and onboarding process.


Want to empower and streamline your graduate recruitment process?

Today the competition getting the best graduates is tough. Focusing on a valid, efficient and fair screening process is therefore crucial to ensure that you attract the strongest candidates.

Saville’s screening tools make it possible to focus on both behavior and analytical abilities. Potential strengths and preferred company culture are highlighted in relation to the behaviors required to become successful in the job.

Finally, it is possible to generate interview guides and onboarding reports targeted the specific graduate.


  • Effective and resource-saving screening tool.
  • High reliability and validity
  • User-friendly reports
  • Possibility to send automated reports to selected and rejected candidates

Our experienced consultants are happy to contribute with inspiration and know-how to your graduate process to ensure the most optimal process for screening and selecting the best qualified graduates.